Saturday, January 12, 2013

Paper Plate Snow Globes


Paper Plate Snow Globe

Pre K

It snowing!!! Kids love snow and man do they love snowmen. Funny thing is some dont know what a snow globe is. Most do and they can name you different kids of ones but you will get some that have no idea what you are talking about. They are fun to see when you show them an actual snow globe!
First start off with a plate....cut out a blue circle from construction paper that will be your background for the snowman. Then I cut out three white small. This is great because when you tell the students to start off with the largest then work your way up this will let you evaluate the students with how they can tell sizes.

I got out black and orange markers. I had them make the eyes, nose, mouth, buttons, and arms. Then with white crayon or you can use tempera white paint and make snow. I then cut out another plate and put for the clear glass look plastic wrap which you can find at the dollar store. I glued the plates together and made a bottom to them to make it look like a snow globe. Kids looOOooved it! They are still bugging me to take them home while I have them hung up...

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