Monday, September 10, 2012

Keith Haring Lines Figure


Keith Harring Lines Figure

Pre K

Lines and Primary Colors

Lines lines lines..color color color...I wanted to start with the basics...this was my first art project of the year. I wanted to find a fun and exciting artist to show the kids and I picked the perfect one...Keith Haring! Reading native and live around the college I went to I thought hey he is local lets try him. The kids love him and they still rememeber him! I showed them what his art work looks like how he expressed himself on wall of building and subways. He would use zig zag lines, straight lines, wavy lines, dotted lines, etc. 
Once I gave them a quick bio on the artist I showed them a two mintue video, which if you just youtube Keith Haring there are some interesting videos. The one I chose was the one he went to a school and helped them decorate a wall and also shows his works and how famous he got. The kids were very interested.
After that I told them they will be making their own figure...themselve! I have this huge roll of brown paper so I had the kids traced. This was tricky so if you think your kids can trace in partners try...What I did was had the kids stand in line and then trace them quickly. It works if you have the paper already pre cut. Trace then roll up and take another roll and trace... I only have 10 kids in my class so I got it done quickly.
I took the rolls home and cut the figures out...I know..pain but I got it done cause I did trace exactly to them. Next class I taped the figures on the floor with their names on the tape. They came in and went to their figure. I also was teaching lines and primary colors so on each figure I gave them a blue, yellow, and red oil pastel. They were instructed to draw a bunch of different types of lines. We went over lines during the Keith Haring bio. We discussed the different types of lines and I also read a really great line book, "Lines that Wiggle". Great book! So the kids did a great job and drew all types of lines with the primary colors. and then BAM they got themselves a crazy figure!

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