Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Self Portraits Popping in!

Bubble Gum Self Portraits
Pre K
I did this project for back to school night. I wanted to do a funny theme "Looks who's Popping In!". The parents loved it!
  1. Construction Paper
  2. Head cut out (Flesh tone colors) PRE CUT
  3. White eye balls PRE CUT
  4. Color circles for eyes (Blue, Green, Brown) PRE CUT
  5. Pupils, small black circle's PRE CUT
  6. Pink Balloons (found at Wal Mart in party section)
  7. Glue Sticks

First thing we did was look in the mirrors and tell what they see. Example: I see two eyes, one mouth, two eyebrows, etc. Once we go over what we see on a face I then went to each kid and ask what color eyes they have. I then gave them a paper and then a pre cut head. Now I had different color flesh tones and I told them they can choose whatever color flesh tone they would like. I then drew a black line about 3 inches from the botton and told them to glue the head on the paper and have their chins right at the black line. (Reason for black line is to write their names clear at the bottom.)
Once we have the heads on we then started with the eyes. I gave them two pre cut white circles and first asked where they go. I made some funny places of where they go and the kids responded to no! But to make sure all know where to put them it was helpful. They glued the eye balls on and then they had to tell me what color eyes they have. Give them pre cut out color circles and them they to put in the middle of the white eye ball. Then I gave them the pupils. They love that word and it is a cool fact to them when you tell them that is where you see through.  After the eyes are on then I told them to look in the mirror again and ask what are the hairs that are on the lids of our eyes and right above our eyes. They answered lashes and brows. Then I gave them markers of any color to be different and had them put on their lashes and brows.

Now the eyes are done, I asked them what else is on their face. They then told me nose and mouth. I then had them with marker make a nose and mouth. I let them make whatever shape nose they want. Some might say I dont know how to make a nose so I do some examples for help but nost knew how to draw a nose and mouth.

Once the face is on it is time for hair! Now this is great motor skills for them. I gave them a peice of construction paper that realtes to the color of their hair. Then I showed them and STRESS to them how to rip the paper. For the girls I showed how to rip long strips of paper for their long hair. For the boys I showed to rip some peices but not to small. I STRESS to the boys that it should not be smaller then your finger nail. I gave them example sizes for yes and no. It me! They listen real well and once they get the peices they glued them on. Now I didnt correct them because this is their work but some boys took their hair all the way down to their chins which was funny and cute!

Once that is done I think drew a solid black line under the face and told them to write their first name. Now being Pre K and the begining of the year some have no clue to do that. I told them TRY! Most know how to and some just did skribble but it is awesome to see the change from then to now. While they are doing that I would blow the pink ballon up.

Now for you the teacher or parent....For the balloon to stick I cut out white squares for a paper. I then stapled the end where you blow to the wont pop it you stable the tied end. Once that is stapled you then with tac glue put a dab on the white paper and have the kids hold down the balloon for 10 MISSISSIPPI. Funny thing is they count with Mississippi. I told them not to pick it up becasue the glue is still wet and will come off. Once the ballon is on and dried you can hand it up! BAM!!

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