Monday, September 17, 2012

Leave People

Leave People

Pre K

Did this project in September where I can still retrieve leaves. I have a lot of trees around me so it was easy to pick a bunch of leaves. I also did this project the same time as the leaf printmaking. They were learning about leaves in Science so lets involve it in art.
Ok so I love coffee filters for art but I also am addicted to contact paper, great material for art. So I cut out square peices of contact paper (make a leaf person so you know how big you need your contact paper). The trick for me is I had all the same leaves for the arms, legs, body, and head so I didnt really have different sizes but now thinking of it I might try different types of leaves to make them look different from one another.
So have the contact paper on the table with the sticky side facing them. Then step by step have them put on each body part. I started off witht the head and worked down. Now I insist once the body is together put the other contact paper square over the leaf person so you seal it on both sides. Then once it is sealed they can glue on the googly eyes, dont glue the googly eyes on the leaf and then put contact paper over it....noooo... air bubble. Once the glue the eyes on it I let them dry and then cut the leaft guy from the ends and then BAM you got yourself a leaf guy. Now because the leaves are fresh there will be moister in the contact paper but it still looks good and comes out awesome!

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