Saturday, April 20, 2013

Georgia O'Keeffe

Georgia O'Keeffe
So I wanted to focus next on a female artist who works with something that can tie into spring. So I thought flowers are starting to bloom and they are learning that in Science so let talk about the artist Georgia O'Keeffe
So I talked to the kids a little about the artist but what they know is she likes to paint flowers and skulls. We talked about how she used shapes and mostly abstract shapes especially in her close up pictures.
Now originally I was just going to have them all do large flowers but talking to the boys I decided let throw in some later work of her when she started with the skulls. The boys love it! What I did was I took large white paper and on each paper I drew a large petal, or for the skull one paper had a horns and the other paper had the skull. Now the kids that get the flower I used four piece of paper, one petal for each paper. The middle of the flower is just a paper plate. For the skull I used three pieces of paper, one for the hear and one paper each for the horns.
Now they are Pre K and we are approaching the end of the year so I drew them on the paper and they cut each one out. Now some kids were done that day some had to use another half class to finish up.
So once they got the shapes cut out I had them paint each petal one at a time. Now I wanted to do something different so I made foam paint out of tempera paint, shaving cream, and glue. Glue is important because it holds the consistence together. Learned that So they took a petal at a time and walked to what color they wanted. I had six colors to choose from and they were separated , each color had a bowl with two spoons and two brushes, two kids at a station (color). It worked out nicely. Now I am big on this, do not mix my colors in the bowls, so they were not able to mix the color, cause they love to end up with the brown gross look so no mixing for us.
Once they were done with one they put that on the drying rack and go to their pile which I placed in the room and get another petal and repeat that until they are done. Once all four petals are done they took a paper plate and painted it black. For the skulls they just had to paint the two horns and the head.
When the pieces are all dry, the flower students had to put them together, you will need to assist them. I had the plate lying down and had them circle glue around the bumpy parts of the plate. Then one petal at a time glue on. Now each petal I gave them a strip of packing tape to secure the petal and helps it to dry to the plate too. Each petal got a strip of tape. For the skulls and I had them glue the horns on and I gave them a strip of tape for each horn (it is very helpful I suggest using the tape and glue). Once they had that on then I have them pre cut ovals for the eyes and nose. Then BAM! you got yourself a Georgia O'Keeffe flower and skull!

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