Saturday, April 6, 2013

Baby Chicks are coming!!!


The Chicks are COMING!!!

At our school we have a farm that comes out and delivers us 12 eggs to look after for one week. During that week we keep them in a incubator and watch while they hatch. Super excited!
Well I thought it would be fun to have a count down and make our owe chicks. Now this is a cute project for Easter too...
First I traced their hands...I actually had them trace their hands...I cut them take a good chunk of time for them me!
Second I pre cut out the chicks body, beck, eyes, legs and squares of yellow tissue paper
Third I had the kids start...they used glue sticks and covered the entire yellow egg shaped body in glue.
Fourth then crumpled the tissue paper (like they were throwing away paper) and put it on the glued paper. STRESS to them that the glue on the paper dry's really fast so they have to put on the paper quick. Also if it does dry tell them to reapply glue.
Fifth with liquid glue, have them apply the eyes, beck, hands, and legs...also give them a marker and tell them to put in the pupils!
BAM! You got yourself some chickies!!! Came out super it!

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