Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mask Making!!!

Mask Making

This project was soooo much fun! The kids loved it and they just were so happy to work with something different. We talked about mask throughout the world. We talked about where you find mask, and what mask do. They are very creative!
I went on amazon and purchased the plaster strips. I believe I paid like $50 for 25lb of it. It was a lot! It comes in large stripes and I just cut them up in squares for there tiny fingers. Then I bought the plastic face molds from Dick Blick. I think they are about $1.99 a mask.
Once we talked about the meanings of mask, I started off demonstrating. They caught on real quick!
Once I gave them a pile of plaster strips and a bowel of water they got straight to work. STRESS to them that they need to overlap pieces so they connect well together, also show them where they need to end. I did have some kids just do the face and not go all the way down. I had to go over them and fix some but most really did well!
The plastering took one day, about 20-30mins. Then the next time they got to paint. Now the painting and glitter and feathers took about two classes. Some the kids really concentrate on their designs. Also I really tried to stress to them to not just throw colors on there but make a design or pattern.
Also I gave them kids the choice, cover the eyes or not. The mask fit perfectly to their faces!!

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