Saturday, September 12, 2015


I absolutely love journaling! This is a great way to get my kids to really create what is going on in those little minds. It will also show a huge improvement in their drawing from the beginning of the year to the end of the year! I usually have them do an entry everyday but sometimes it doesn't happen. :/ Life of a Pre-K teacher.
Now I am lucky to have the budget to get small little journals from Beckers. If you do not have the budget or like to start right away I saw a great way to use recycled folders and papers. Maybe a thought for next year...hmmm

First Day!
Time to decorate the cover! They love doing this! I had for their first journal (which last till January) to do a self portrait on the cover using pre cut paper. I cute out different skin color ovals along with white eyeballs. I showed them how to put them together and how to add details. They were given mirrors to color the correct color of their hair and eyes! Well I asked did some follow?...not so much. It is their first day!

I tried to have journal entries follow the lesson but I also wanted to ask them random things to draw to see what they will do! Here are examples of a couple kids journals. Keep in mind these really are 4 and 5 year olds! Enjoy! I love these!

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